Dreams of Death and Dying

Dreams of Death and Dying

A man lays dying in the desertIn a dream, many people, including myself, were ushered into an auditorium. We were asked by the moderator if we knew why we were there, and no one seemed to know. The moderator stated that each person in the auditorium got to select how they wanted to die. “I’m not supposed to be here”, I thought, as the woman beside me wrote on her paper: ‘I want to die by being buried alive.’ The auditorium ushers came and escorted her into an empty coffin and closed the lid. I just sat there, stunned, and didn’t know what to do. I didn’t know what to think, nor did I talk to anyone. I could not find words to write what they were requesting. I sat there afraid and woke from the dream trembling.
Interpretation: Dreams about dying represent leaving what is past (also present because past keeps unfolding into present). These dreams hold the promise of change or rebirth. Sometimes when going about our daily lives, we may be experiencing or thinking about leaving the known to be prepared for what is unknown. And the fear in the dream characterizes that we are always afraid of what we don’t know.
Dreams and visions are an important part of the Spiritual Journey. Read more here.

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