Mending Fences

Mending Fences

In a dream, my dear friend offered to help me fix parts of my fence; both the broken and missing pickets, as well as, some of the vertical postsA dilapidated fence with differing boards and the horizontal cross bars. After making our list, we ventured to the local lumber yard to get supplies. With my truck backed up to the lumber pile, my friend began sorting through piles of boards for what we needed. He found some that were twisted, some looked petrified or splintered, while others were wider, narrower, shorter or longer than my own fence. But he selected them all and tossed them in the back of my truck. He dug deeper into the pile and found some that had paint peeling, while others that had rounded tops and others that were composite material rather than wood. He began loading those into my truck. When I asked him what he was doing with all these different boards, he replied that he was planning to use them to fix my fence. I stood there watching him, desperately wanting to say something, but couldn’t. He seemed peaceful as he went about looking at each unusable board and placing it in my truck. I couldn’t believe the boards that he was selecting, and for as grateful for the help that I was, I continued thinking how awful my fence was going to look.

Interpretation: This dream is about not getting involved with what someone is doing. Although it looks awful, it is their mistake to make, and in their own time they will have to see the error of their ways and do it over. They are on their own Spiritual Journey, so that is for God to teach them, and not us. Most times, God does not get in our way and stop us from doing something really stupid. He allows us to make our own mistakes and then works with us when we come to Him as we desire to learn how to do things His way.

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