Made For Another World

Made For Another World

C.S. Lewis is noted for saying: “If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world.”

CS Lewis quote on cloud backgroundWe are made for another world, so there is no experience on this earth that will come close to satisfying the longing in the spirit for its true ‘home.’ Author Jon Bloom notes in one of his books: “No relationship, no successful achievement, no possession, no amount of public approval will ever satisfy you here. The best these can do is give you a brief copy and shadowy glimpse of your true homeland. The best they can do is make you homesick for the better country where you belong yet have never seen.”

Walking the earth and feeling ‘homeless’ is a difficult thing, and it never improves if one doesn’t seek understanding. The longer we walk, the more homeless we can feel, but permitting the divine will to be the governing authority initiates the sufferings of the soul and the beginnings of a quiet surrender. To suffer means “to allow or permit what needs to transpire.” In doing so, the pain of affording self desires is surrendered a little more quickly. Allow the Spirit to help relieve the difficulties of ‘homelessness’ and always permit the searching of your heart to find you where are seeking a home on earth.

Home on earth can be sought in many ways, none of which would ever satisfy: home, job, relationships, church, memberships, and so on. When we stop trying to make the world our home, we learn to travel light and live free with joy and peace. Freedom is a way of life that reflects who you are and were created to be.

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