The Spider Web

The Spider Web

Have you ever looked closely at a spider web? The intricacies, and how each string is spun into the next. It creates a mass entanglement, of which you cannotA spider spinning an intricate web determine the end, or see where it began with the smallest of thread. Our words are the best example of this thread. What begins with the tiniest silken thread from a gland of a spider, our words begin with something small and seemingly insignificant. Remember the power of words; death and life are in the power of the tongue. Proverbs says Whoever puts down another is not wise, but one who knows better keeps quiet.


I spoke in anger to a man I once knew,
giving no thought to the stones that I threw.

Soon came the time when I was that man,
then I could see from beginning to end.

Yet I never saw how quickly it spread,
to have it all start with one tiny thread.

~ E.A. Wilhelm

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