Knowledge or Wisdom

Knowledge or Wisdom

In 1 Kings 3:4, God appeared to Solomon in a dream and said, “Ask for whatever you want me to give you.” Solomon asked for a discerning heart – or wisdom. In Proverbs, the words “wisdom” and “wise” appears 113 times, and in Ecclesiastes, 49 times.

a woman looking up information on her phone and computer

With our cell phones at our fingertips, knowledge is one swipe away. But is knowledge the same as wisdom? No! Knowledge, commonly called wisdom of the world, is the accumulation of facts and information, while true wisdom is from above, given to us if we simply ask God for it. Theologian O.S. Hawkins says wisdom is God’s own supernatural gift, and true wisdom begins and ends with Jesus.

So before grabbing your phone to look up an answer (worldly knowledge), stop and ask God for the true wisdom that can come only through Him. You may be surprised at what He tells you, and it may be different than the answer that “wisdom of the world” gives you. On page after page of the Bible, we see Jesus, the personification of wisdom.

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