Find Your Destination

Find Your Destination

Anyone take a road trip this year? Spring break, summer vacation, or the holidays? Directions have gotten a little easier with GPS in our cars and Google Maps onthe Griswold family vacation our phones. Every summer growing up, we would visit my cousins who lived in northwest Wyoming. It was an all-day drive—depending on which way we went based on the atlas and the fold-up maps in the back seat—but ultimately, we always pulled into their driveway right around dinnertime.

In the account of Matthew and the other Gospels, we see the entire journey of Jesus and the seven significant events through His life: birth, earthly ministry, sufferings, death, resurrection, ascension, and ending with His return.

Look closely at Matthew’s Gospel account and think about this journey. See how Jesus is guiding his disciples to follow his roadmap. Each disciple will have their own experiences on this journey based on who they are as individuals, where they are sent, and the challenges that will face them. But ultimately, Jesus laid the roadmap for them and showed them how to get to the desired destination.

The same thing is done for us. Jesus calls us to begin, teaches us the direction, what to listen to, the dead ends to watch for, places to avoid, the road to take, and the challenges we will face. Most of us have had to make some U-turns because we drove off course following a scenic route we shouldn’t have been on. Ultimately, when we follow His direction, we will arrive at His destination for us. If you develop the lifestyle of listening to holy GPS—which could be known as God’s Positioning System—you will never find yourself lost and without His roadmap.

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